Saturday, February 15, 2020

Extra Credit Reading

Jataka Tales: The Elephant and the Dog by Ellen C. Babbitt

This story reminded of a film I watched a couple of years ago, maybe y'all remember it, but it is about a horse and a dog that become best friends and share every meal together as well. When the horse becomes sick the dog is there to comfort him. 

Quick notes about the story: 
- Love how the story encompasses two best friends not based on size, type of creature, or anything else. 
Some of my favorite quotes with powerful meanings:
- Day after day the Dog went to the stable, waiting around for bits to eat. But by and by the Elephant and the Dog came to be great friends. Then the Elephant began to share his food with the Dog, and they ate together. When the Elephant slept, his friend the Dog slept beside him. When the Elephant felt like playing, he would catch the Dog in his trunk and swing him to and fro. Neither the Dog nor the Elephant was quite happy unless the other was nearby.
- The king's Elephant missed the Dog and did not care to eat when his friend was not there to share the food. When the time came for the Elephant to bathe, he would not bathe. The next day again the Elephant would not eat, and he would not bathe. The third day, when the Elephant would neither eat nor bathe, the king was told about it.
- When the farmer who had bought the Dog heard this, he turned him loose. The Dog ran back as fast as ever he could go to the Elephant's stable. The Elephant was so glad to see the Dog that he picked him up with his trunk and put him on his head. Then he put him down again.
- When the Elephant-keeper brought food, the Elephant watched the Dog as he ate, and then took his own food. <-- This quote is so powerful in the sense that it shows how much the Elephant cares about the Dog, reminded me so much of how my mom looks at me after I come home from a long day.
Best Friends Reunited: The Elephant and the Dog

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