Saturday, January 25, 2020

Microfiction: The Unknown Hotel Resident

The doorbell rang, but nobody came.

She walks the halls at night and sometimes during the day, eats breakfast with everyone and patiently waits for them to return home. She sees everyone and feels their emotions, but why do you roam the halls ask the others. 

Author's Note: So, in writing these two microfictions I imagined a girl who had died in a room of some unknown hotel. Even though, they carted her body away and buried her, her spirit still roams the hotel. She longs to have a conversation with the people and have them ask her questions. I want the reader to imagine and feel her loneliness and longing to have people with her. I immediately thought of this kind of microfiction, because growing up it was my worst nightmare. As you probably know from my introduction my parents own hotels and growing up we actually stayed in the manager's apartment for quite a while. So back then I was very easily spooked out by ghosts and living in the hotel at the time, I put the two together and the product was my microfiction. 


  1. Hi Mansi!

    These microfictions are awesome! Every week I tell myself that I am going to try to write one and then get scared away! I am a very detailed person and that comes out in my writing, so I can't begin to imagine how to convey a story through so little words. You did this really well! These microfictions could be applied to so many different scenarios too so you really have a multitude of stories in one. Great job!

  2. Hello Mansi!
    I never knew what microfiction was until this class. You did a good job and I like that you were able to take your own personal fear and experiences. I can emphasize with your fear which made me relate to this story more, I have always had this fear that something would happen to me when just my son and I are home and he'd be alone! I think I may try to do a microfiction that talks about that. But, like the person who commented before me, I get carried away in the details. So I applaud you for doing this story, it seems difficult.

  3. Hi Mansi,

    I love how you started this story with such suspense. I was already so intrigued in the story after only reading the first paragraph. The picture that you used is also mysterious, so it fits the story perfectly. I had never heard about microfiction until this class, but I am really into it. It gives you a way to be creative in a short amount of words, which I believe can make a story way more interesting.
