Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Reading Notes: Homer's Iliad, Part A

Homer's Iliad, Retold by A. J. Church

- I liked the dialogue and then the inserting short pieces of information to set the next scene. 
- add details to explain relationships in the beginning so you don't have to explain the relationships over and over again
- in initial encounter with King Agamennon is what sets the whole stage for this story
- emphasizes who has the power
- explains essentially how desperate they are through their actions i.e. splitting the spoils (women) among the men
-  every time Achilles is about to do something/feeling powerful emotions the goddesses make an appearance, but just as quickly disappear. 
     - I need to include the original connection on how the gods/goddesses know of Achilles
- use of descriptors is very important, help with the visualization 
- setting remains as one area, but you are very easily able to Achilles tent area near the water. 
- there are multiple aspects to the story but the main focus should remain on the temperaments of each (King A and Achilles)
- Need to progress Ulysses trip back to Olympus with the priest's daughter. For this story I need to include his background information, define the role he plays, and if he is headed somewhere make sure to end the story properly

Still figuring out this notes thing... But I am going to stick close to the storyline here and mirror my story on the event that occurred, but with a bit more of an explanation of the characters in the story. 

Pulled from the short story "The Quarrel"

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